Leagues & Drop In
Tennis Leagues & Drop In
Caughlin Athletic Club offers leagues, USTA teams and socials throughout the spring, summer and fall.
Our tennis guest fee makes it easy for you to spend more time on the court, with more people.
You can contact the tennis department for more information on sessions, and to sign up.
USTA Teams & League Play
Caughlin Club is proud to host a variety of men’s, women’s and mixed USTA teams. For team membership details please contact Kristine at 775.301.0543
Cardio Tennis
Mon, Wed, Fri & Saturday
9:00 – 10:30 am (April – October)
10:00 – 11:30 am (November – March)
$20 ($15 Members) per class
Burn calories with a high-energy aerobic workout. Cardio focuses on tennis drills and games in a variety of playing scenarios.
Live Ball Cardio
(April – October)
Monday: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
(November – March)
Tuesday: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Thursday: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
$20 ($15 Members) per class
What is live ball you ask? A fast-paced, doubles-style tennis game. Cardio, music, and fun! All skill levels are welcome. See you on the court!
Tennis Lessons
$65 per hour $360 package of 6 ($420 non-member)
- Individualized instruction geared to your specific needs
Group & Team Lessons
$90 per hour (additional $10 per person after 3 players)
- 2-4 students of similar ability level focusing on improving your skills and strategy
Ball Machine Rental
$15 per use
Please call the front desk to reserve.
(775) 747-6006
Tennis Guest Fee
$20 Guest Fee for adults
$10 Guest Fee for guests under 21
Check in at the front desk.